Who Am I? Introduction

 The first thing that popped to my head after typing the header is the scenario of two Lagos drivers shouting at each other after a collision. "do you know who I am? who's your daddy? how dare you talk to me?" 

When you're asked "Who are You?" what's your first response? I'm 100% sure you lose all records pertaining to who you are in a split second, don't fret it happens to us all. Your identity is who you want the world to see you as, your identity is your brand. You are whatever you say you are, often times you are your first impression. Hollup, I'm beginning to feel like a "motifashuna spika" Oh mi gosh *inserts emotional templates. Back to reality, your identity is what you live and die for in actual terms.

To some, who are you is just a mere question and to others it's a question that awakens the giant in them.

You are your personality trait, what you do, what you think. Often times we try to fit into places where we don't belong to thereby losing our identities, mind you out of about 7 billion individuals there's just one distinct you. 

Discovering who exactly you are takes practical steps and conscious efforts, more reading and more actions. In the next couple of weeks I'll be uploading more posts on how to discover who we are,this is just a basic introduction (pardon the length).

Enjoy the rest of your week, read share and comment.


IG/Twitter: lanaoflagos 


  1. This is JUST perfect lol. KUTGW. πŸ™ŒπŸΎ

  2. This is twodaful
    Keep it up b🀭❤️❤️

  3. You're making exploits dear, this is a nice piece! You've awakened the writing skill in me


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